What You Can Do to Help
Talking with a friend in an abusive relationship can make a big difference to them – whether they are being abused or being abusive. Sometimes, it can be difficult to know what to say or how to say it, especially if you’ve never dealt with this issue before, so here are some tips...
When Talking to Your Friend:
When Talking to Your Friend, Do Not:
Teen Dating Violence - Parents
What Would You Do if You Thought Your Child Was in an Abusive Relationship?
Although many parents don't believe that violence can happen to their teens, abuse can happen to anyone. One in three teens will experience dating abuse, and there are things you can do to help as a parent. Here are some tips:
What Are the Signs?
Sometimes these signs are a part of being a teenager, but when these changes happen suddenly or without any explanation, there might be cause for concern.
Teen Dating Violence
Micro lessons
We are excited to announce our new resource to the greater Atlanta Community. Our new Micro lessons Toolkit is designed to give adults a discussion guide for having a conversation about dating violence topics with a young person.
This guide is designed to give you and your teen a “road map” to having conversations on the different aspects of healthy relationships. There are activities, resources, and tools included with every release. We will be releasing these lessons every month, and we hope that parents, teachers or any adults that serve teens use this powerful tool in helping end teen dating violence.