Leave A Legacy
Make a lasting impact.
Even after you have taken your last breath, your name can leave a lasting impact in the lives of domestic violence survivors.
Leave a legacy with Partnership Against Domestic Violence. There are several ways to ensure your financial donations continue to support our mission to end the crime of domestic violence and empower its survivors.
Estate planning
Planned Giving is a partnership option allowing donors to leave money or assets to Partnership Against Domestic Violence at the time of death, or a way to invest money so that the donor receives benefits during his/her life and then bequeaths the remaining funds to Partnership Against Domestic Violence.
Planned gifts also enable donors to pass assets on to their heirs while supporting Partnership Against Domestic Violence and minimizing, or eliminating, taxes on those assets.
Listed on this page are various planned giving options.

Retirement Accounts
Retirement plan accounts and IRAs may be subjected to layers of taxation – both estate and income tax. A charitable gift of these funds at death, however, can provide a donor’s fund at a designated, qualified foundation with the full amount on the dollar.
A bequest can be made by naming Partnership Against Domestic Violence as a charitable beneficiary in a new will, or adding a codicil to an existing will.
The bequest can be in the form of a stated dollar amount or specific property, a percentage of the estate, or the entire estate.

Life Insurance
Donors may name Partnership Against Domestic Violence as a beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy. A gift of life insurance may provide valuable income and estate tax savings. Donors may make Partnership Against Domestic Violence the owner or beneficiary of a whole or universal life policy.
The premium payments may then be a gift to the Foundation and taken as a charitable deed. There may also be an upfront charitable deduction available.
Charitable Remainder Trust Insurance
A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) allows a donor to establish a trust for the ultimate benefit of his or her fund at a Foundation, retain a lifetime income generated by the contributed assets, receive a current income tax deduction and defer the capital gain recognized on the sale of the contributed asset.
A CRT may help you eliminate capital gains taxes, reduce or eliminate gift and estate taxes, improve lifetime cash flow, and when coupled with an asset replacement trust, provide for heirs as well.

Charitable Gift Annuity
A Charitable Gift Annuity allows donors to contribute assets to a designated, qualified foundation and receive an income tax charitable deduction and a guaranteed income for life. This vehicle can ease the worries of outliving financial resources by providing a high income coupled with numerous tax advantages.