Warning Signs
Am I Being Abused?
Typically, abusers become violent or hurtful out of their strong desire to have complete control. However, it can sometimes be challenging for people to realize when they are a part of an abusive relationship. Below are some common warning signs of domestic violence. If any of this occurs in your relationship or that of someone you know, it is a red flag indicating that the relationship is not entirely healthy.
Does your loved one…
- make you afraid of them?
- make fun of you in front of your family or friends?
- put down your accomplishments or goals?
- make you feel like you can’t make decisions?
- use force or threats to make you do what he/she wants?
- tell you that you are nothing without him/her?
- treat you roughly – grab, push, shove or hit you?
- constantly call or show up to make sure you are where you said you would be?
- blame you for how he/she feels or acts?
- prevent you from doing things you would like?
- deny your basic needs such as food or medical assistance?
- call you bad and hurtful names?
- try to control what you do, who you see and when?
If any of these warning signs are a part of your relationship, consider calling one of PADV's crisis lines. Click here to learn more about the different kinds of domestic abuse.