Jordan: Domestic Violence and the Pandemic
Jordan said, ” I don’t think I would have survived being self-quarantined with my ex.” Read more about Jordan and her journey to freedom today.
Jordan, like survivors everywhere, loved her abuser and never thought she would be a victim of domestic violence. She called our crisis line after one of the most violent incidents. Jordan stated she was hospitalized after being beaten up for telling her abuser she was pregnant. While in the hospital, a nurse provided her with our brochure and crisis line number. At that moment, Jordan’s life changed. After being discharged from the hospital she came straight to PADV.

While in the shelter Jordan showed how much she cared. Even though she was going through her own crisis, she helped other moms with anything they needed and was always willing to help the shelter staff with extra tasks. Jordan spoke of how grateful she was for the sense of family the house provided. Shortly after arriving at PADV Jordan was able to gain employment at a local grocer. She worked there up until the birth of her baby, focused on planning and saving for the next step in her life’s journey.
provide a better, violence-free life for her new precious son. Jordan was accepted into the PADV Supportive Housing program and transitioned into this community-based apartment housing with her son close at her side. The money Jordan earned and saved through her strong work ethic and diligence allowed Jordan to be on maternity leave during COVID-19. Once Jordan returns to work PADV will be there to assist with childcare so that she can resume working without worry.
As Jordan was packing her belongings to move into her apartment she turned to staff and said with a sigh, “I am so grateful for PADV’s housing program. I don’t think I would have survived being self-quarantined with my ex.”