Partnership Against Domestic Violence

How Domestic Violence Affects Mental Health

May 9, 2024

How Domestic Violence Affects Mental Health Domestic violence is a serious problem that affects many people around the world, no matter where they live or how much money they have. It does more than just cause physical injuries; it can…

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Camila’s Story

December 15, 2021

Camila called PADV’s crisis line from Northside Hospital – Gwinnett. She had recently moved to Atlanta with her husband, who had a history of violently abusing her. Read the rest of Camilla’s story today. “Crisis line.  This is Sarah, are…

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Aubrey’s road to rebuild and recover

December 14, 2021

Mentally exhausted and paralyzed by the fear, the taunts of her abuser kept circling in Aubrey’s mind. Read more about Aubrey’s road to rebuild and recover today. *Name changed to protect survivors identity Even though she had only been in…

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Reclaim Your Life

January 12, 2021

Lauren* took the first step toward regaining control of her life by calling the Safe Families Office at the Fulton County Courthouse to find out what it would take to get a Temporary Protective Order (TPO) against her husband. Read…

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Sophie’s Determination

December 2, 2020

I am a fighter and a survivor and I wasn’t going to let this stop me from supporting my babies. It’s hard to look back at the year and not think about how much our lives have changed and what…

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2020 Purple Heart: Kristal Sanders

November 4, 2020

PADV’s Purple Heart Award honors a survivor’s bravery and the inspiration this victory provides to others moving from domestic violence to safety and peace. Each year, we honor a domestic violence survivor who has overcome the horror of their experience…

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The Power of Community

June 7, 2020

John found himself a victim of domestic violence during his last semester of college. Feeling lost and not knowing what to do, John sought the support of one of his professors. John* (not his real name) found himself a victim…

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Jordan: Domestic Violence and the Pandemic

May 2, 2020

Jordan said, ” I don’t think I would have survived being self-quarantined with my ex.” Read more about Jordan and her journey to freedom today. Jordan, like survivors everywhere, loved her abuser and never thought she would be a victim…

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Ana: Learning to Love Myself

February 26, 2020

She spent 17 years in an emotionally, physically and financially abusive relationship. She often said, “I was mistreated one day, the next one maybe not. Read more about Ana today. Ana had already graduated from college and was working in…

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Amber:Independent and violence free

December 3, 2019

As soon as she could flee the violence and lock herself in the bedroom, Amber called 911, as she feared for her life. Read more about Amber… In 2015 Amber* relocated to Georgia from Texas to be with her boyfriend…

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